Account:Facebook Integration

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Revision as of 05:53, 12 January 2011
Andrey Potekhin (Talk | contribs)

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Revision as of 05:54, 12 January 2011
Andrey Potekhin (Talk | contribs)

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If you would like to turn it off, log on to your MesArt account, click on the 'My Artworks' button, and then click on the 'Facebook Integration' button. If you would like to turn it off, log on to your MesArt account, click on the 'My Artworks' button, and then click on the 'Facebook Integration' button.
-We hope that you will enjoy this new cool feature!+We hope that you will enjoy this new cool feature!<br>
-- MesArt staff -- MesArt staff

Revision as of 05:54, 12 January 2011

MesArt is pleased to announce that we have integrated the popular Facebook's 'Like' function into our artwork pages. We hope that it may help your pages reach wider audience.

What does the 'Like' button means for your website?

The 'Like' button allows your website visitors share information about your artwork with their friends. When the visitor clicks the 'Like' link on your site, a story appears in the visitor's friends' Facebook news with a link back to your artwork page.

This feature is turned on by default.

If you would like to turn it off, log on to your MesArt account, click on the 'My Artworks' button, and then click on the 'Facebook Integration' button.

We hope that you will enjoy this new cool feature!
-- MesArt staff