Newsletter:MesArt Artist:Open Studio Artists

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ARC Gallery & Studios
"SNAP!" - Bay Area Juried Exhibition
& Off-The-Wall Sale
Friday, January 17, 7 - 9 pm
1246 Folsom St., San Francisco, CA

SHOH Gallery - "Memory Vault"
Recent work by Sylvia Sussman
Exhibition: January 15 - February 9, 2020
Opening Receptions: Saturday,
January 18th, 6 -9 pm
700 Gilman St. Berkeley CA

ARC Gallery & Studios
"Twenty-Twenty: Visions of the Future"
Exhibition: January 25 - February 22, 2020
Opening Receptions: Saturday,
January 25, 7 - 9 pm
1246 Folsom St., San Francisco, CA



>> Artist Residency - UP @ MoHA, Austin, TX
Applications will be reviewed and notified quarterly.
Candidates should apply at least 6 months in advance.

Dear Artists,
If you would like to advertise your upcoming exhibitions, open studios, art events,
please send us the information to before 26th of each month.
We will be happy to add it to our newsletter and MesArt home page.
You are also welcome to use the MesArt Forum for advertizing your art events.

MesArt Community: Call for Entries | Exhibitions/Shows