Newsletter:MesArt Artist:Open Studio Artists

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Pro Arts East Bay Open Studios 2008

Artists' Studios Open to the Public
June 7th - 8th and 14th - 15th, 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Margie Burke, Dominique Caron, Maeve Croghan, Ream Fowler, Harriet Golfos Santroch, James Groleau, Irene Hendrick, Claudia Kussano, Maggie Malloy, Ellen Markoff, Maria Mayr, Marti McKee, Elizabeth Tana, Rab Terry, Flip van Coller | More info


2nd Silicon Valley Open Studios

May 3rd - 4th; May 10th-11th; May 17th-18th
Yao-pi Hsu, Suzan SiltaNiemi | More info

DUALITY. Photography & Etching.
EXHIBITION: September 7th - 29th

RECEPTION: Friday, September 21st,
6 pm-9 pm

Market Street Gallery: 1554 Market Street, SF
(between Van Ness&Franklin) Map

Oleg Malov: "I'm finding interesting what using different media and tools in distinctly deferent times and places my visual language and questions still the same. It's about duality of life, about black and white, life and death, love and hatred..."

Brad Knipstein: "As a photographer I am always trying to figure out the natural world visually. By that I mean that some subjects I try to deconstruct visually the way that a chemist would break down a compound into bare elements. To perhaps see something important that one can't find on the surface. Other subjects need only to be appreciated for what they are. Bearing them in the right light is all one needs to view them wholly."

RECEPTION: September 27th, 7 pm-10 pm

Exhibition: July 25th - August 28th
Address: 2134 Polk St., San Francisco

BackStage Salon is pleased to announce a two artists show by Ronald Newman (painting) and Maria Mayr (monoprint).

Workshop: The Essential First Thirty
Instructor: Matt McKinley

Two sessions: Monday, November 5th, and 12th 6.30 pm-8.00 pm

Market Street Gallery: 1554 Market St., Map

Learn strategies to develop an effective, concise 30 second synopsis of what is unique about you and your artwork.

Over the course of this interactive two part workshop you will develop and present your written artist statement and practice your own 30 second pitch with peer review and instructor feedback.

For the second session you will need to bring a finished piece of artwork 36 x 36 or smaller.

More Info | Pre-register

Sign up early to Online Gallery to take advantage of the entire 4 MONTHS FREE offer! More Info