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{{Gallery |title=Cultural depictions of George Washington |width=160 | height=170 | lines=4 |align=center |footer=Example 1 |File:Federal Hall NYC 27.JPG |

alt1=Statue facing a city building with Greek columns and huge U.S. flag
|Statue of Washington outside Federal Hall in New York City, looking on Wall Street.

|File:Mount Rushmore2.jpg |

alt2=Profile of stone face on mountainside, with 3 workers.
|Construction of Washington portrait at Mount Rushmore, c. 1932.

|File:2006 Quarter Proof.png |

alt3=Shiny silver coin with profile of Washington bust. 
|Washington is commemorated on a quarter.

|File:George Washington Presidential $1 Coin obverse.png |

alt4=Gold coin with bust of Washington facing slightly left
|Washington on a dollar coin.
