Newsletter:MesArt Artist:Open Studio Artists

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American Steel Studios: 1960 Mandela Parkway, Oakland, CA


>> Odd Fellows Gallery
Exhibition: March 6 - 29, 2015
>> Reception: Saturday, March 14, 5 - 8pm
Corner of Kasten & Ukiah St., Mendocino, CA
Gallery Open: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays: 11- 6pm

>> Castoro Cellars Gallery
Maeve Croghan - Solo Show
March - April, 2015
Zin Fest Celebration at Castoro Cellars
with Maeve Croghan

Sat., March 21 & Sun., March 22, 12 - 5pm

>> Arc Gallery & Studio
'Spotlight Figure' Bay Area Exhbition

Exhibition: March 7 - April 25, 2015
Reception: Sat., March 14, 7 - 9 pm
1246 Folsom St., San Francisco

>> Richmond Art Center
The Art of Living Black 2015

Exhibition Main Gallery
>> Exhibition: until March 8, 2015
2540 Barrett Ave., Richmond, CA

>> Black Bean Clay Studio: Will Johnson
>> Exhibition: until March 8, 2015
561 Emory St., San Jose, CA

>> Creativity Explored presents:
Tree of Life - Group exhibition'

Exhibition: March 12 - April 22, 2015
Reception: March 12, 7 - 9 pm
3245 Sixteenth St., San Francisco

'Impressionism Today'

Dominique Caron | Ken Christensen
John Karl Claes | Tom Soltesz
Exhibition until March 15
244 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA


I-Park, East Haddam, CT
2015 Environmental Art Biennale Program
>> Deadline: March 9, 2015

The Napa County Library
All two-dimensionalwork
>> Deadline: March 31, 2015

Marin Society of Artists Presents
"The Left Coast" - A Regional Exhibition
>> Deadline: August 1, 2015


>> ArtSlant Georgia Fee
Artist | Writer Residency in Paris
The Residency is open to visual artists
of all mediums, 24 years or older
>> Deadline: Friday, April 3rd, 2015

>> Dorland Mountain Arts Colony
Residency Applications are reviewed monthly

>> Herekeke Arts Center - New Mexico
Open to visual artists, filmmakers, photographers, architects, designers, at all stages of their career. 2031 La Lama Rd, Lama, New Mexico, 87556.

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