Newsletter:MesArt Artist:Open Studio Artists

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WEEKEND 2: October 25th - 26th

SOMA, Tenderloin, Potrero Hill, Dogpatch, Bayview

Over 40 artists will be displaying their work in an incredible variety of media, including ceramics, collage, glass, drawing, furniture, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, textiles, and more.

SOMA Artists Open Studios
689 Bryant Street @ 5th, San Francisco

Preview Reception: October 24th, 6 - 9pm
Open Studios Saturday & Sunday,
October 25th - 26th, 11 am - 6 pm

Kat Flyn | John Fitzsimmons | Jana Grover
Martine Jardel | Flora Davis | Linda Colnett
Russel Kiehn | Victoria Veedell | Elena Zolotnitsky
Jason Astorquia | Kimm Barnes | David Bryant
Heather Buechler | Rochelle Carr | Trudy Evard Chiddix
Katerina Connearney | Rex M. Dacanay | Barbara Florez
Keiko Fujimoto | Jeremie Garza | Tama Greenberg
Andrea Guerra | John Fox Haag | Amanda Hanlon
Darpana Kapil | Charlotte Kay | Wendy Tremont King
Kerry Laitala | Skye MacLeod | Margaretha Miglo
Elise Odom | Sharif Okasha | Kristina Quinones
Suzanne Radcliffe | Valerie Scott | Alex Shepard
Janet Seifert | Catherine Small | Anne Subercaseaux
Kim Uno | Erick Vera | Merti Walker
James Weinberger | >> More info

ARC Studios & Gallery Open Studios 1246 Folsom Street, between 8th & 9th

Preview Reception: Friday, October 24th, 6-9 pm
Open Studios Saturday & Sunday,
October 25th - 26th, 11 am - 6 pm

Featuring original paintings, photography, mixed media, artist's books, serigraphs, drawings and sculpture by Arc Studios artists:
Mike Kimball | >>
Daniel Diaz-Tai | April Hankins | Soad Kader
Robyn Kruse | Leslie Morgan | Ben Needham
Priscilla Otani | Rachel Sager | William Salit
Stephen C. Wagner | Hilary Williams
Guest artists:
Johnny Botts | Fong Fai | Matthew Frederick
Jeanne Hauser | John Kraft | Eric Larson
Erin Malone | Alan Mazzetti | Greg Nelson

Other Locations:
>> Barbara Ravizza Studio | 355 Bryant St., #105 @ 2nd Street
>> Dickerman Prints Photo Lab and Gallery | 1141 Howard Street, between 7th and 8th St.
>> Lizland | 739 Clementina St., @ 8th Street
>> Misho Gallery | 680 8th Street #230 @ Brannan Street
Moss Street Studios | 56 Moss Street #4, @ Howard
>> The Oddists | 26 7th Street @ Market Street
Ritch Street Studios: 372 Ritch Street @ Townsend
South Beach Artists Studios: 340 Bryant Street @ 2nd


>> Odd Fellows Gallery
Exhibition: March 6 - 29, 2015
>> Reception: Saturday, March 14, 5 - 8pm
Corner of Kasten & Ukiah St., Mendocino, CA
Gallery Open: Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays: 11 - 6pm
>> Castoro Cellars Gallery
Maeve Croghan - Solo Show
Exhibition: March - April, 2015
Zin Fest Celebration at Castoro Cellars
with Maeve Croghan

Sat., March 21 & Sun., March 22, 12 - 5pm

>> Arc Gallery & Studio
'Spotlight Figure' Bay Area Exhbition

Exhibition: March 7 - April 25, 2015
Reception: Sat., March 14, 7 - 9 pm
1246 Folsom St., San Francisco

>> Richmond Art Center
The Art of Living Black 2015

Exhibition Main Gallery
>> Exhibition: until March 8, 2015
2540 Barrett Ave., Richmond, CA

>> Black Bean Clay Studio: Will Johnson
>> Exhibition: until March 8, 2015
561 Emory St., San Jose, CA

>> Creativity Explored presents:
Tree of Life - Group exhibition'

Exhibition: March 12 - April 22, 2015
Reception: March 12, 7 - 9 pm
3245 Sixteenth St., San Francisco

'Impressionism Today'

Dominique Caron | Ken Christensen
John Karl Claes | Tom Soltesz
Exhibition until March 15
244 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA


I-Park, East Haddam, CT
2015 Environmental Art Biennale Program
>> Deadline: March 9, 2015

The Napa County Library
All two-dimensionalwork
>> Deadline: March 31, 2015

Marin Society of Artists Presents
"The Left Coast" - A Regional Exhibition
>> Deadline: August 1, 2015


>> ArtSlant Georgia Fee
Artist | Writer Residency in Paris
The Residency is open to visual artists
of all mediums, 24 years or older
>> Deadline: Friday, April 3rd, 2015

>> Dorland Mountain Arts Colony
Residency Applications are reviewed monthly

>> Herekeke Arts Center - New Mexico
Open to visual artists, filmmakers, photographers, architects, designers, at all stages of their career. 2031 La Lama Rd, Lama, New Mexico, 87556.

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