Newsletter:MesArt Art and Education Centre Newsletter

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Dear Artists!

Interested in the workshop but can't not attend? Register NOW and receive a complete audio recording of the workshop and a complete set of the handouts, both of which will be available within 2 weeks of the date of the workshop. [ Register CD]

Upcoming Workshops:


Alchemy of Creating Your Masterpiece

By Valeria Kumin and Milan Botica

This interactive and experientual workshop will give you greater clarity, purpose and a plan to take action immediately.

Worshop/Playshop: September 27th
6.30 pm - 9.30 pm
Market Street Gallery Map

  • Dissolve negative emotions, attachemnts and beliefs
  • Reach your goals with optimal results
  • Create even more successful relationships in your life
  • Transform obsticles into opportunities
  • Sell your art without selling out
  • Designing win-win strategies

Register today and receive a complimentary interactive coaching session.
Take advantage of this limmited time offer NOW.
Workshop investment:
MesArt members: $35
Non-members: $45

Valeria and Milan are committed and dedicated to helping people achieve and succeed based on their unique needs, desires and circumstances.

Over 14/(20) years of corporate sales, marketing, training and operational management experience and 15+ years in personal development speak to our ability, commitment and dedication to helping artists, individuals, families, professionals, entrepreneurs and corporations target and achieve optimal results.

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