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Dear Artist, we've received numerous requests from you concerning the legal questions. Specifically, the issues of copyright, intellectual property, contracts, and agreements. We are pleased to announce two workshops with prominent attorneys who will address those issues.

Send us your questions and concerns ahead of time to make these presentation even more effective. We will ask our guests to address them. Also, you will have a chance to ask questions at the seminar. So, come prepared! Contact MesArt

Workshop: Copyright and intellectual property

Wednesday, April 25th, 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm
Market Street Gallery: 1554 Market Street, SF

In this class you will learn:

  • Do I need to copyright my art
  • What is my intellectual property
  • What are the ways to protect my art
  • How can I protect my rights

This workshop is open to the public.

Workshop fees:
MesArt members: $20 | Non-members: $25
At the door: $30
More Info |Register

Gregory Alan Rutchik is the founding lawyer of the arts and technology law group. We represent creators, technologists and businesses in business and infringement litigation and in negotiations of bet the business agreements.

Since 2005, Gregory is co-chair of the ABA’s Subcommittee on Copyrighted Pictorial, Sculptural, Graphic and Visual Works and the co-editor of the AAJ (fka American Trial Lawyer’s) Business Tort’s newsletter.

Gregory worked with the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts in New York City representing independent songwriters, film producers and arts entities. Gregory has a vast experience in patent, trademark and copyright litigation.

Workshop: Big legal issues of a Small Business

Wednesday, May 9th, 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm
Market Street Gallery: 1554 Market Street, SF

Small businesses issues and civil rights

In this class you will learn:

  • What to watch out in a contract
  • How can I protect my rights
  • Can my landlord raise the rent
  • Do I need to be incorporated

This workshop is open to the public.

Workshop fees:
MesArt members: $20 | Non-members: $25
At the door: $30
More Info |Register

A graduate of Northeastern University School of Law (1986) Matt has practiced as a solo practitioner since 1995, focusing on business issues and civil rights. He has taught law full-and part-time since 1986 at Santa Clara Law School, Golden Gate Law School, Hastings College of the Law and New College of California Law School. He has been supporting small businesses in the Bay Area for over 10 years.

Acting as general counsel, the Law Offices handle a wide range of business matters and negotiations including drafting lease agreements, shareholder agreements, licensing related documents, sales commissions, and employment agreements. Additionally, Matt provides to his clients guidance in areas involving shareholder rights, employment issues, partnership arrangements and ownership transactions.

Workshop: Video as a marketing tool
By Edwin Rutsch

Friday, June 15th, 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm
Market Street Gallery: 1554 Market St., SF | Map

Marketing with video

  • What sort of videos would you like to put out
    there and why?
  • Telling your story
  • What are the artists ideas for video marketing?

About Video on the Internet

  • TAOLB Video Project example
  • How artists have used the videos
  • Google video, YouTube, other sites for hosting.

Types of Videos (show Samples)

Workshop fees:
MesArt members: $20 | Non-members: $25
At the door: $30
More Info |Register

This workshop is open to the public.

Video tape several Artist Talks.
Tape 5 people for up to 2 minutes
Walk through the process of getting the video on YouTube.
Technical aspects of getting video on the internet.

  • shooting
  • editing
  • converting video to Youtube format
  • uploading
  • promoting


Monday, June 25th, 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm
Market Street Gallery: 1554 Market Street, SF
"If only I had more time! Then I could do all that I want to do!"

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." H. Jackson Brown, Jr. quote

There are 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. That won’t change. So how do you use what time you have to create the life that you want?

The solution isn’t by figuring out how to do more stuff. It’s figuring out how to adjust your choices and decisions so that you’re doing the right stuff at the right time.

In this class you will learn:

  • How to figure out what your doing right so you can do more of that
  • How to set up a system that really works with who you are
  • Several tools to help you make the most of your time
  • What to do with that To Do list!

This workshop is open to the public.

Workshop fees:
MesArt members: $20 | Non-members: $25
At the door: $30
More Info |Register

Debra Russell of Artist’s EDGE combines her two passions-- the Arts and facilitating growth and change in people's lives. As an Artist’s Success Coach, workshop leader and keynote speaker, Debra works with creative individuals to help shape their success in their chosen field. In addition to working with private clients, Debra, a founding partner of Artist’s EDGE, has developed several innovative programs that have been presented at Trade Shows and Conferences across the country.

"I want to thank you for the insights that I gained at your seminar. Some of what you said did not register with me until later when I was building a new website for myself and I decided to follow your advice and ask for help from my friends. It is eye opening to realize that we often overlook resources that we have readily available to us. Thanks!"
Suzun Hughes, Multimedia Artist

Your feedback and suggestions will help us to continue providing the most valuable resources to you. Send us an email: “I want a workshop on the following topic….”