Newsletter:MesArt Artist:Open Studio Artists

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ReArt - Juried Exhibition. RECEPTION: Friday, June 8th, 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM

MARKET STREET GALLERY: 1554 Market Street, San Francisco Map

EXHIBITION: June 4th - June 29th

Market Street Gallery and San Francisco SCRAP (Scroungers Center for Reusable Art Parts) are pleased to announce an exhibition of outstanding works created by local artists and made entirely from recycled materials. On exhibit at Market Street Gallery for the month of June, “ReArt” is the embodiment of SCRAP’s core mission to divert materials of use to artists from the waste .

The diverse work presented in this juried exhibition addresses ecological and environmental issues in somber, whimsical and poetic ways. Twenty-eight artists were selected by a 3-person panel of Judges that included Paul Fresina, director of the artist-in-residency program at the SF Recycling Center, Christina LaSalla, co-president of the LAB gallery of San Francisco and Steven Wolf of Steven Wolf Fine Arts gallery, also of San Francisco.

Artists included in the exhibition are: Aimee Baldwin, Cole Bauguss, Jim Caddick, Claudia Chapline, Jerry Chatham, Amanda Curreri, Mike Farruggia, Valerie Harris, Al Honig, Michael Kerbow, John Kuzich, Lilli Lanier, Lauielu, Jane Newman, Mari Naomi, Jessica Niello, Emiko Oye, Dennis Parlante, Judy Pettite, Jon Rolston, LaVonne Sallee . Joyce Savre, Vivian Schupbach, Lorna Stevens, Charles Stinson, Harold Thomay, William Ulrich and Hillary Williams.

For more information, please call 415-290-1441 | More information

Upcoming Open Studios

June 2nd-3rd | 9th-10th. East Bay Open Studios

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Upcoming Workshops

Workshop: Video as a marketing tool

By Edwin Rutsch

Friday, June 15th
6.30 pm - 8.30 pm

Market Street Gallery: 1554 Market St., SF Map

Marketing with video | About Video on the Internet | Types of Videos (show Samples)

  • What sort of videos would you like to put out
    there and why?
  • Telling your story
  • What are the artists ideas for video marketing?

More Info | Register


By Debra Russell

Monday, June 25th
6.30 pm - 8.00 pm

Market Street Gallery: 1554 Market St., SF Map

In this class you will learn:

  • How to figure out what your doing right so you can do more of that
  • How to set up a system that really works with who you are
  • Several tools to help you make the most of your time
  • What to do with that To Do list!

More Info | Register

Your feedback and suggestions will help us to continue providing the most valuable resources to you. Send us an email: "I want a workshop on the following topic..." Contact:

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