Judith Greathouse Success Story

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When I started putting my web site together, I went to selfpromotion.com. It is an old site, put together when people who wanted web sites had to use markup language. I merely used his advice in putting in my text.

I also did research on SEO. While I didn't understand all the nuances of their technical language, what I gleaned was to maximize the use of the title of your web site and to use keywords in context, not spamming the sentences.

I don't know if you are aware that 'functional jewelry' was added to the title of my home page because I learned that the weight given in search engines skews mostly by the title that is used.

After the change, I went from about the 7th page on a google search return for 'functional jewelry' to consistently #1. Yahoo has me at about #5 (and to get any higher I'd have to pay $299 per year) and MSN or Bing return me on the first page as well.

I think I could take parts of my training package and shorten the verbiage. You could still use the training package for new users.

I'd be willing to put together a few ideas and see what you think. I'll go to your web site and look at what is already there and see what I can do if you'd like me to do so.

Judith E. Greathouse, Ph.D. Stretchies by Judith Functional Jewelry [www.StretchiesByJudith.com|StretchiesByJudith.com]